Keywords : pcb design, pcb manufacturing, pcb manuafacturer, pcb manuafacturer india, pcb design, pcb design india
Description : CIRCUITRONIX is a professional PCB design, PCB Assembly & PCB manufacturing company since 2005 having wide industrial experience in PCB design, PCB CAM, PCB manufacturing & PCB assembly.
We have a very good exposure to entire electronic industries i.e. Energy Metering, Power Supply, Communication, Process Control, Aerospace, Industrial, Automotive products etc.
Jagdish Namera
Our Mentor
The company is managed by our mentor Mr. Jagdish Namera, a young enterpreneur with the background of B.E. Electrical Engineering from MS University, Baroda, Gujarat. He is having more than 10 years of industrial experience in PCB design, PCB CAM, PCB manufacturing, PCB assembly and R&D (entire cycle of design). He has taken our company to new heights, with his incredible proficiency and astute decisions. |