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Forbes R Corporation Soft Face Hammers

Forbes R Corporation


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Soft Face Hammers

Soft Face Hammers - Aug, 22 2005

Nylon Hammers
Rawhide Hammer
Copper Hammer
Copper & Rawhide Hammer
Plastic Hammer
Rubber Hammer
Nylon Mallets
Rawhide Mallets
Copper Mallets
Plastic Mallet

Company Name : Forbes R Corporation


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0) { echo ""; $i = 0; while ($rrecords = mysqli_fetch_array($run)) { $product_name = $rrecords['product_name']; $product_image = $rrecords['product_image']; $product_id = $rrecords['company_product_id']; $mod_name = removeSpecialChar($product_name); $mod_name = substr($mod_name, 0, 64); $product_url = "Product/" . $product_id . "/" . $mod_name . ".html"; if ($product_image != '' && file_exists(PRODUCT_SAVE_PATH . $product_image)) { $ary_file = getExtention($product_image); if ($ary_file) { $mod_name = removeSpecialChar($product_name); $imageUrl = SITE_HOST . "productImage/" . $ary_file['filename'] . "/" . $mod_name . "" . $ary_file['ext']; $ary_img = createthumb(PRODUCT_SAVE_PATH . $product_image, 120, 120); $product_image_tag = '' . $product_name . ''; } else { $product_image_tag = '' . $product_name . ''; } } else { $product_image_tag = '' . $product_name . ''; } echo ""; $i++; if ($i == "3 ") { echo ""; $i = 0; } } echo ""; } ?>
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" . wordwrap($product_name, 15, "
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"; $i = 0; while ($rrecords = mysqli_fetch_array($run)) { $company_name = $rrecords['company_name']; $company_logo = $rrecords['company_logo']; $company_id = $rrecords['company_profile_id']; $mod_name = removeSpecialChar($company_name); $mod_name = substr($mod_name, 0, 64); $company_url = "Company/" . $company_id . "/" . $mod_name . ".html"; if ($company_logo != '' && file_exists(COMPANY_SAVE_PATH . $company_logo)) { $ary_file = getExtention($company_logo); if ($ary_file) { $mod_name = removeSpecialChar($company_name); $imageUrl = SITE_HOST . "companyLogo/" . $ary_file['filename'] . "/" . $mod_name . "" . $ary_file['ext']; $ary_img = createthumb(COMPANY_SAVE_PATH . $company_logo, 120, 120); $product_image_tag = '' . $company_name . ''; } else { $product_image_tag = '' . $company_name . ''; } } else { $product_image_tag = '' . $company_name . ''; } echo ""; $i++; if ($i == "4") { echo ""; $i = 0; } } echo "
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